Founder and Head Coach Christopher Kjeldsen


  • (ASCA) American Swimming Coaches Association lifetime member (ASCA Level 4 education and experience;Level 3 athlete performance). Only 7% of the swim coaches in the USA have reached this level.
  • Elected to serve as South Texas LSC General Chair, October 2018.
  • CK Swimming LLC, Founder, Owner and Head Swim Program Developer, 2009-present
  • Sailfish USA year-round swim team, Founder and Head Coach, 2009- present
  • St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School Boys and Girls swim team, Founder and Coach, 2012- 2018. 2017 Girls and Boys teams won the TAPPS District, Region and State Championships. 2018 Girls teams won the TAPPS District, Region and State Championships.
  • (NFHS) National Federation of State High School Associations Accredited Interscholastic Coach.
  • (NISCA) National Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Association Member
  • Southern Zone Board of Review board member 2016-2017
  • (EIM) Ethics and Integrity in Ministry
  • (OCPE) Off Campus PE in Leander ISD Approved instructor for 7th-12th grade and
  • (OCPE) Off Campus PE in the Round Rock ISD, Approved instructor 9th-12th grade
  • USA Water Polo lifetime member, player/coach certified
  • Polo Bear Water Polo Club, Founder and Coach, 2015-present
  • Team USA Safe Sport Training
  • Certified Aquatic Director.
  • American Red Cross Certified First Aid/CPR/AED
  • Brushy Creek Marlins, Head Coach,  2006-present, 10 Championship wins    


    Other Coaching and On-Deck Experience                                              

  • Co-Owner/Instructor, Swim Masters Developmental Swim School, 1990-98
  • Class designer and instructor, adult learn-to-swim program, The University of Texas at Austin, Informal Classes, 1992-96 
  • American Red Cross, Water Safety Instructor (WSI), 1978-98- Personally taught more than 2,000 people in those 20 years
  • Head Coach, University of Texas at Austin Men’s & Women’s Water Polo, 1987
  • Head Swim Instructor, Crenshaw Athletic Club, Austin, 1985-90
  • Water Polo Coach, Kingwood High School, 1984
  • Head Coach, Houston summer league circuit; 5 consecutive Championship wins, 1980-84
  • 179 club swim meets coached 2010- 2016, including TAGS and Sectionals
  • 126 summer league meets coached as of 2018, 15 Championship wins in 18 seasons.
  •   54 high school meets coached as of 2018

                          Education and Personal Competitive Experience

  • BA-Business Management-University of Houston
  • BS-Communications- The University of Texas
  • Martial Arts Black Belt in Kung Fu 


  • Austin Water Polo Club, player/coach, 1991-2002
  • US Masters Nationals, 6th place in 100m breaststroke, 30-34 year olds, 1992
  • The University of Texas at Austin Water Polo Club, player, 1982-84
  • University of Houston,  letterman in swimming, 1979-80
  • 4 year letterman High School swimming and Water Polo, 1975-78


Based on decades of experience, the feedback of organizations and individuals and observed results, I now understand that I have a gift for helping swimmers to improve themselves. I call it feeding those that are hungry. I also know that I can do little for those that are full of themselves other than to asked them to come back when they are hungry. If you can change your mind you can change your time -  Chris Kjeldsen

AM - alter the mind, PM - practice mastery, then add mileage, then medals, repeat.


In 1998 after 20 years and having personally taught over 2,000 people and 1 dog how to  swim better, I retired from the swimming business to stay at home and raise children. I had no idea that events in my personal life were grooming me to return several years later as a mentor/coach.

In 2002 I was drawn back into the swimming world by my 6 year old son. I spent 4 summers in the parental volunteer positions of timer, stroke judge, coach liaison to the board and board member for the Brushy Creek Marlins summer league swim team. In 2005 I was asked to start the SPEED swim program to serve the community. I also invested in, advised and was the first to break ground (with a golden shovel) on another program that today has two multi-million dollar facilities. In 2006 I became head coach for the Brushy Creek Marlins. By the end of the 2014 summer I had participated in 135 summer league meets having missed one to attend my son's high school graduation.

In 2009, the year-round Sailfish swim team was formed to meet the desire of summer league swimmers wanting to continue past the short summer season. The Sailfish have grown from 7 to nearly 200 swimmers that participate in a range of ability levels from exercise only up to TAGS and Sectionals so far.

In 2012, I helped establish and now coach the St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School swim team.

In 2015, the Polo Bears water polo club was established.

I have the unique perspective of having both personally participated in and coached the following swimming and water polo programs; Summer League, High School, USA club, Collegiate and Masters.

Having personally done or tested training on myself first, I remember and truly understand what my swimmers are going through with meet and training experiences. I work hard, take a friendly approach to educating youth on the life lessons that can be learned from swimming, have learned a great deal from 35 years of mistakes and successes and am an organized planner. My swim teams and lessons programs have very good (loyal, dedicated and cohesive) staffs and parents. 

So as we move the bar of excellence higher each year, I am humbled and truly blessed to have the opportunity to work with such outstanding individuals and organizations. I pray that I can continue to return to the community the many blessings I have received. I will see you at the pool as we turn people into swimmers, swimmers into winners and winners into champions.



Favorite Reflections and Words of Inspiration

"Do or do not.There is no try." -Yoda

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”  - Aristotle

“The harder you work the luckier you get ------- Jerry Barber

If you aim at nothing you will hit it!

"Be willing to do today what others won't so you can do tomorrow what others can't."

Decisions create habits. Habits create character. Character creates destiny.

"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it." -T Alan Armstrong

"Out of every adversity come the seeds of an equal or greater opportunity." -Napoleon Hill

 Dunning-Kruger effect - states that ignorance more frequently begets confidence than knowledge. Studies have shown that the most incompetent people are the ones most convinced of their competence.

"Sometimes, the most brilliant and intelligent minds do not shine in standardized tests because they do not have standardized minds." - Diane Ravitch



Coach Chris 1978

The following two quotes are from the book Anyway (The Paradoxical Commandments)  written by Dr. Kent M. Keith 

"If you are not giving the world your best, what world are you saving it for?

Giving your best is not something you do later, it is something you do everyday."




 In the picture far left is Coach Chris 1978


You do not walk alone. The journey brings us together.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that is why they call it the present." -Eleanor Roosevelt

"The surest way to make it hard for your children is to make it soft for them." -Wesleyan Methodist Proverb

"Preach always, and if necessary, use words." — St. Francis of Assisi

“Good morning, this is God.  I will be handling all of your problems today.  I will not need your help, so have a miraculous day.”           — Wayne Dyer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change (your will), grant me the courage to change the things I can (my will) and the wisdom to know the difference.

"I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion."     -Mia Hamm

“When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him."--Jonathan Swift

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose." --Bill Gates


The prayer of St. Francis

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.

For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Pre-Meet Prayer


We give thanks for the opportunity to gather here today in good health. For the Parents,  We humbly ask for guidance today to behave through our actions and words the way you want Good shepherds to act toward every one of your children.

For the Swimmers,                                                                                                                     
Help them to remember that God's team comes first and individual ambition second. May your swimmers have the concentration and courage to live up to the potential you have given them. May they do their very best to beat the person in their own lane and cheer for the person in the other lane.

On behalf of everyone gathered here today, we ask for safety, good sportsmanship and personal improvement.

In Jesus' name we pray                  


Head Coach's Prayer


May I give up trying to do the impossible and let you do it.


Inspirational  -  Video Links










Personal Inspiration- The secret to my passion and any success achieved as a coach


John Chapter 16:20   Amen, amen, I say to you, you will weep and mourn, 

while the world rejoices; you will grieve,         but your grief will become joy. 


        Feb. 17th, 3 days after her birth, I write this letter to Eva, and tape it to her crib in intensive care.

        Eva (brings forth new life) Nicole (victory of the people) Kjeldsen        2/17/1999

        Born: 2/14/99 4:43 AM Valentine’s day

        6 lbs. 13 oz. 21 inches long.

        Died within seconds of being born.

        Came back to visit for a while that I might have the opportunity to meet her and learn.


         Relationship:         I am her father and look after her body

                                  She is my daughter who looks after my soul.

        She has taught me:

                                       The intensity and power of pure love,

                                     and to never take anything for granted.

         She has:

         Given me the gift of compassion and love from hundreds of people, many of whom I do not know

          Put me deeply in touch with my feelings and allowed me to stay there until complete

          Freed me from the emotional scars I have carried from the birth of my first child

          Given me a fresh start

          Made me a better person, to rise above just existing

          Enabled others to reach out beyond their comfort zone

          Reminded others how fortunate they are

          Shown me that there still are good people out there

          Drawn my wife and I closer together

          Made me appreciate the miracle of my son

          Helped me realign my priorities

          Allowed me to be afraid and has given me the freedom that comes with admitting to it

          Reaffirmed my faith

          Taught me that I should not put off pursuing my dreams because no one knows how long they have.

          I have rediscovered love.

          I have found peace.

          I now look at death as not a loss but rather a freeing of the spirit.

          I love you.


Eva Nicole Kjeldsen - born Feb. 14, 1999, died Feb. 22, 1999