What does SPEED stand for?
SPEED is an acronym for Swim Practicing Excellence Every Day.
When does SPEED Practice?
SPEED practices Tuesday/Thursday from 4:15-4:45 PM and there are a few limited spots Monday and Friday also at 4:15 PM. Schedule is subject to change, please check our calendar for updates!
What are the ages for SPEED?
SPEED is for youth ages 4-14. Swimmers need to be able to make the length of the pool in any fashion. There are no other requirements, which makes SPEED ideal for novice swimmers of any age.
If you are a beginner aged 15-17, consider practicing with CK Swimming's USA Club team, the Sailfish.
How long is a session?
A typical SPEED session runs 2x a week for a month at a time with an automatic renewal to continue each month from September- April and during the summer July-August.
Who coaches SPEED?
Professionally trained instructors are USA Swimming certified coaches, hired by CK Swimming to run the SPEED program.